class method description
AggregationResult object get(Type type) Returns the aggregation result
Container Promise<void> createIndex(Object{string name: string value} options)
In that, options is:
- columnName: column name to create index
- indexType=IndexType.DEFAULT: type of index
- name=null: name of index
Creates a specified type of index on the specified Column
Promise<void> dropIndex(Object{string name: string value})In that, options is:
- columnName: column name to drop index
- indexType: type of index
- name: name of index
Removes the specified type of index among indexes on the specified Column
Promise<> flush() Writes the results of earlier updates to a non-volatile storage medium, such as SSD, so as to prevent the data loss even if all cluster nodes stop suddenly
Promise<boolean> put(array[object] row) Newly creates or update a Row
Query query(string query) Creates a query to execute the specified TQL statement
ContainerType type Read-only attribute
Promise<void> abort() Rolls back the result of the current transaction and starts a new transaction in the manual commit mode
Promise<void> commit() Commits the result of the current transaction and start a new transaction in the manual commit mode
void setAutoCommit(boolean enabled) Change the setting of the commit mode
Promise<list[object]> get(object key) Returns the content of a Row corresponding to Row key
Promise<boolean> remove(object key) Deletes a Row corresponding to Row key
Promise<void> multiPut(array[array[object]] rowList) Newly creates an arbitrary number of Rows together based on the specified Row objects group
QueryAnalysisEntry array get() Returns one of information entries composing a query plan and the results of analyzing a query operation
GSException boolean isTimeout Read-only attribute
number getErrorStackSize() Returns the stack size of last error information related to specified resource
number getErrorCode(number stackIndex) Returns the error code of last error related to specified resource
string getMessage(number stackIndex) Returns the message of last error related to specified resource
string getLocation(number stackIndex) Returns the error location of the internal module to the message of last error related to specified resource
PartitionController number partitionCount Read-only attribute
Promise<number> getContainerCount(number partitionIndex) Get the total number of containers belonging to a specified partition
Promise<array[string]> getContainerNames(number partitionIndex, number start, number limit) Get a list of the Container names belonging to a specified partition
Promise<number> getPartitionIndexOfContainer(string containerName) Get the partition index corresponding to the specified Container name
Query Promise<RowSet> fetch() Executes a specified query with the specified option and returns a set of Rows as an execution result
RowSet getRowSet() Returns RowSet as the latest result
void setFetchOptions(Object{string name: string value} options)
In that, options is:
- limit=null: used to set the maximum number of Rows to be fetched
Sets an fetch option for a result acquisition
RowKeyPredicate Type keyType Read-only attribute
array[object, object] getRange() Returns the value of Row key at the start and end position of the range condition
void setRange(object start, object end) Sets the value of Row key as the start and end position of the range conditions
void setDistinctKeys(array[object] keys) Sets a set of the values of  Row keys that configure the individual condition
array[object] getDistinctKeys() Returns a set of the values of the Row keys that configure the individual condition.
RowSet object next() Moves the cursor to the next element in a object set and returns the object at the moved position
RowSetType type Read-only attribute
number size Read-only attribute
boolean hasNext() Returns whether a Row set has at least one Row ahead of the current cursor position
Store Promise<Container> putContainer(ContainerInfo info, boolean modifiable=false) Newly creates or update a Container with the specified Container properties
Promise<Container> getContainer(string name) Get a Container instance whose rows can be processed using a Row object
Promise<void> dropContainer(string name) Delete a Container with the specified name
Promise<ContainerInfo> getContainerInfo(string name) Get information related to a Container with the specified name
Promise<void> fetchAll(array[Query] queryList) Query execution and fetch is carried out on a specified arbitrary number of Query, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible
Promise<void> multiPut(Object{string name : array[array[object]] rowList} containerEntry)
In that, containerEntry is:
- name: target container names
- rowList: list of Row objects
New creation or update operation is carried out on an arbitrary number of rows of a Container, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible
Promise<Object{string name : array[object]}> multiGet(Object{string containerName : RowKeyPredicate predicate} predicateEntry)
In that, predicateEntry is:
- containerName: container names
- predicate: conditions to get rows
Returns an arbitrary number and range of Rows in any Container based on the specified conditions, with the request unit enlarged as much as possible
PartitionController partitionController Read-only attribute
RowKeyPredicate createRowKeyPredicate(Type type) Creates a matching condition with the specified GSType as the type of Row key
StoreFactory @staticmethod StoreFactory getInstance() Returns a default StoreFactory instance
Store getStore(Object{string name: string value} options)
In that, options is:- host=null: A destination host name
- port=null: A destination port number
- clusterName=null: A cluster name
- database=null: Name of the database to be connected
- username=null: A user name
- password=null: A password for user authentication
- notificationMember=null: A list of address and port pairs in cluster
- notificationProvider=null: A URL of address provider
Note: If notificationMember or notificationProvider is set, input for host must be empty.
Returns a Store with the specified properties
string getVersion() Returns the current version of client
ContainerInfo ContainerInfo(Object{string name: string value} options)
In that, options is:- name: Name of container.
- columnInfoList: List of the information of Columns
- type=COLLECTION: Type of container
- rowKey=True: The boolean value indicating whether the Row key Column is assigned
- expiration=None: expiration information of a row
string name attribute
array[array[string, Type, TypeOption]] column_info_list attribute
ContainerType type attribute
boolean rowKey attribute
ExpirationInfo expiration attribute
ExpirationInfo ExpirationInfo(number time, TimeUnit unit, number divisionCount) Constructor
number time attribute
TimeUnit unit attribute
number divisionCount attribute