struct method description
AggregationResult pub fn get_as_i64(&self) -> (i32, i64) get field as i64 type
pub fn get_as_f64(&self) -> (i32, f64) get field as f64 type
pub fn get_as_timestamp(&self) -> (i32, DateTime<Utc>) get field as tímstamp type
Container pub fn create_index(&self, name: &str, flags: IndexType) -> i32
- name: column name to create index
- flags: indexType is  type of index(example: IndexType::DEFAULT)
Creates a specified type of index on the specified Column
i32 is number error code
pub fn drop_index(&self, name: &str, flags: IndexType) -> i32
- name: column name to drop index
- flags: IndexType is type of index
Removes the specified type of index among indexes on the specified Column
i32 is number error code
pub fn flush(&self) -> i32 Writes the results of earlier updates to a non-volatile storage medium, such as SSD, so as to prevent the data loss even if all cluster nodes stop suddenly
i32 is number error code
pub fn put(&self, fields: Vec<Value>) -> i32 Newly creates or update a Row
i32 is number error code
pub fn query(&self, query: &str) -> Result<Query, i32> Creates a query to execute the specified TQL statement
pub container_type: ContainerType attribute: container type
pub fn abort(&self) -> i32 Rolls back the result of the current transaction and starts a new transaction in the manual commit mode
i32 is number error code
pub fn commit(&self) -> i32 Commits the result of the current transaction and start a new transaction in the manual commit mode
i32 is number error code
pub fn set_auto_commit(&self, enabled: bool) -> i32 Change the setting of the commit mode
i32 is number error code
pub fn get<T: Any>(&self, value: T) -> Result<Vec<Value>, i32> Returns the content of a Row corresponding to Row key
i32 is number error code
pub fn remove<T: Any>(&self, value: T) -> i32 Deletes a Row corresponding to Row key
i32 is number error code
Value fn from(item: xxx) -> Self
Function convert data primitive to data type of GridDB
Return data type of GridDB(type data is 'value').
The current "xxx" can convert type are:
from (String, bool, i8, i16, i32, i64, f32, f63, vec<u8>) to type griddb (Value)
Query pub fn fetch(&self) -> Result<RowSet, i32> Executes a specified query with the specified option and returns a set of Rows as an execution result
i32 is number error code
pub fn get_row_set(&self) -> Result<RowSet, i32> Returns RowSet as the latest result
pub fn set_fetch_options(&self, hashmap: HashMap<String, i32>) -> i32

Note: hashmap consists of "limit", "partial".
Sets an fetch option for a result acquisition
RowSet pub fn next(&self) -> Result<Vec<Value>, i32> Moves the cursor to the next element in a object set and returns the object at the moved position
i32 is number error code
pub fn next_aggregation(&self) -> Result<AggregationResult, i32> Moves the cursor to the next element in a object set and returns  with type of aggregation
i32 is number error code
pub rowset_type: RowSetType attribute: type of RowSet
pub fn has_next(&self) -> bool Returns whether a Row set has at least one Row ahead of the current cursor position
Store pub fn put_container(&self, container_info: &ContainerInfo, modifiable: bool) -> Result<Container, i32> Newly creates or update a Container with the specified Container properties
i32 is number error code
pub fn get_container(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Container, i32> Get a Container instance whose rows can be processed using a Row object
i32 is number error code
pub fn drop_container(&self, name: &str) -> i32 Delete a Container with the specified name
i32 is number error code
pub fn get_container_info(&self, name: &str) -> Result<ContainerInfo, i32> Get information related to a Container with the specified name
i32 is number error code
StoreFactory pub fn get_instance() -> StoreFactory Returns a default StoreFactory instance
pub fn get_store(&self, properties: Vec<(&str, &str)>) -> Result<Store, i32>
In that, Tuple have two element.
- host: A destination host name
- port: A destination port number
- notification_address: An IP address (IPv4 only) for receiving a notification by multicast method
- notification_port: A port number for receiving a notification by multicast method
- cluster_name: A cluster name
- database: Name of the database to be connected
- user: A user name
- password: A password for user authentication
- notification_member: A list of address and port pairs in cluster

Note: If notification_member is set, input for host must be empty.
Returns a Store with the specified properties
i32 is number error code
pub fn get_version() -> String Returns the current version of client
ContainerInfo pub fn ContainerInfo(name: &str, col_info: Vec<(&str, Type)>, container_type: ContainerType, row_key: bool) -> ContainerInfo
- name: Name of container.
- col_info: List of the information of Columns
- type: Type of container
- row_key: The boolean value indicating whether the Row key Column is assigned
pub name: String attribute: name of container
pub column_info_list: Vec<(String, Type)>
In that, Tuple have two element.
- Name of column.
- Type of column
attribute: information of columns
pub container_type: ContainerType attribute: container type
pub row_key: bool attribute: container has rowKey or not